Private In Home K9 Nose Work® Training
for ALL dogs and their people
Serving homes in Kansas City, Bonner Springs, Piper, Basehor, Mission, Shawnee, and Merriam, Kansas
Is in home K9 Nose Work® training right for you?
You prefer to train at home but need or want in-person guidance by a certified Nose Work instructor.
You need K9NW® training that fits into your busy life.
The thought of driving to a group session during rush hour traffic makes your blood run cold.
Your canine partner is comfortable with people but is too excited or worried by the smells and sounds of other canines to function in a group setting.

Session Details
When traveling for training is tough, we'll bring the training to you.
What: K9NW® in home training is for ALL dogs that have a nose!
Where: Homes in Kansas in the cities of Kansas City, Shawnee, Piper, Basehor, Mission, and Merriam
When (CST): Mon-Thur 9am-12pm
Tuesdays 3-7pm
Starting at $149 ​
Get Started with Private In Home K9NW® Training
Yep! Really! In home dog training is the perfect way to incorporate successful training into your life. I'll be there to guide you and you pup as you learn to speak the language of odor molecules.
Included in Private In Home K9NW® Training
You can expect to receive one-on-one, private coaching, and cheerleading, from the comfort of your own home.
During our session:
We demo training techniques and how to's.
We coach you through it with your own dog.
You start on your path to a new life with your dog!
My responsibilities between sessions:
Email you an easy-to-follow summary outlining your personalized training plan.
Email you accompanying detailed handouts with more in-depth information to help you meet your training goals.
Provide accompanying videos with more in-depth information to help you meet your training goals.
Your responsibilities between sessions:
Complete homework assignments.
As needed, video yourself training your dog to get extra coaching on your timing and mechanics.
Get email support if you get stuck before our next session.
Your dog wants you to
Private In Home K9NW® Training Packages ​
Training Consultation $149
In our initial 60-minute consultation, we'll formulate a training plan that gets you and your dog on the road to reaching your training goals. In some instances, the consultation will be all you need. In others, we'll schedule additional online sessions as needed to effectively take you where you want to go.
Starter Training Package $259
The Starter package includes an initial 60-minute consultation, one 60-minute private session, an easy-to-follow summary outlining your personalized training plan, detailed handouts with more in-depth information to help you meet your training goals, and email support if you get stuck before our next session.
Ala Carte Training $129
(requires a consultation)
Ready for more?! We'll be with you, every step of the way! Single sessions are purchased 60 minutes at a time.
4 Session Package Training Sessions $469
(requires a consultation)
Package sessions are purchased in four-hour packs at a time. Our best value!
Teaching Style Clicks
"I have been thrilled to have had the opportunity to progress through the NW courses with you. Your teaching style really clicks 😀 Thank you."
-Juniper's mom, Rachel